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Liquid Glucose

The partial hydrolysis of starch slurry by enzyme gives an end product, which is commonly known as Liquid Glucose.
Liquid Glucose is a mixture of the entire spectrum of carbohydrate molecules derived by breaking the long chained molecules of polysaccharides contained in starch slurry. By adjusting the content of the ingredients, Liquid Glucose of various DE (Dextrose Equivalent) can be obtained for varied end uses.

Specific Properties
Liquid Glucose contains Maltose hence resistant to crystallization. This unique property makes it the universal doctor for all confectionery products.
Viscosity of liquid glucose is the most important physical property which depend on density, Dextrose equivalent &
Liquid Glucose is a clear‘ colourless making it compatible with the physical properties desired in the end products.
Liquid Glucose has functional properties such as high fermentability, viscosity, humectancy-hygroscopicity, sweetness.
The properties of Liquid Glucose are directly related to the DE (Dextrose Equivalent) and so are its effects and flavour, freezing point depression and osmotic pressure.
Other properties such as cohesiveness, bodying characteristics, foam stabilization and prevention of sugar crystallization are inversely proportional to the increasing DE.

To control crystallization, body appearance, sweetness, osmotic pressure and as a preservative in hard-boiled candies, jams and jellies.
Bakery products, Caramel & Toffee, Meat Industry etc.
A baker will ferment it with yeast for raising the product. Add it to ice cream, to improve texture and palalability of the ice cream and enhance flavors.
It is used in tanning to enhance weight and ensure a softer texture.
It is added to shoe polish to prevent it from caking and to help it to give a better and quicker shine.
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