CSR Policy

M/s. Universal Starch Chem Allied Ltd. (the ‘Company’) has taken up
several programs striving to reach the unreached and emphasise the
spread of sustainable development, where the objectives and goals of the
company go hand in hand with the societal wellbeing and development.
Our initiatives are set in consultation with the stakeholders, which aim to be relevant to the local, regional and global contexts. The Company
is involved in Education, Health and Rural development programs. At Universal, the core objective is to balance economic prosperity with
social benefits for the community and this has led to our initiatives having touched over millions of people by creating better livelihood

The COVID-19 pandemic has confronted us at
unexpected times and has led to unpleasant experiences.
We at Universal, brought forward several programs such as-
Providing hospital beds to COVID-19 Centre, cleaning
and restoration charges of the hospitals.
Oxygen control panels with accessories and fitting
work to the hospital with COVID-19 wards.
Connecting and coordinating several of the
healthcare services by leveraging the local
community, infrastructure and also the usage of
digital platforms.

In the education sector the company has-
Been helping with several initiatives in ensuring
quality education to the students in Dadasaheb
Rawal College, Dondaicha, Maharashtra, India.
The Company has also been leveraging applicable
and suitable digital technologies as learning
resources that would enhance education quality.
The initiatives also include focusing on improving
the administrative and professional skills of the staff
Recently, after 2018, several other schools such as
SVS Rawal College, AB Rajput Ekta Mission and
Alumni Association College of Agriculture, Pune,
India have been taken under the CSR program of
the Company.
All the CSR initiatives are undertaken with careful consideration and
consultation with the local communities and other stakeholders involved in
the program. These programs are monitored on a periodic basis for careful
analysis and feedback. The Company looks forward to continuing such societal
and community-related initiatives for ensuring a better standard of living.